In Aug. '99 I began work at PTC working on the Windchill project. We are developing the world class CPC application for business. This is a pure java implementation deployed solely on the web. Prior to PTC, I worked for Systems Group Inc. as a Senior Software Consultant.  I work exclusively at Cargill, Inc. as a Senior OO developer/architect on the Lynx project.  I was with Systems Group at Cargill for two years.  Before that I was at West Group for two years and Cray Research for nearly 10 years.  For more detail on me check out my Resume.

Some technical sites of interest
IBM VisualAge for Java: Code Fixes
Java Servlet API
ORB Aware
Sun's source for Java Technology
SIGS Publications: Component Strategies Magazine
SIGS Publications: Java Report Magazine
Check out the deck I built last summer. Click on the picture below
Some fun Stuff & Such found on the web
How to drive like a MORON
Mefco's Random Joke Server
Blue Mountain Arts ecards
Monty Python
Pioneer Planet
Classic Car Source
Phone Spell
Acronym Finder

How about the Boys Toys

Some of my favorite sites
Epicurious: FOOD for people who EAT and everyone must eat so why not make the best of it and make something special sometime.
Amazon, Barnes & Noble,  after all, reading is fundamental, and we can never get enough of it.
Investment in your future means knowing who and what is a good investment today.